
Decipher is No.1 Blockchain Academic based at Seoul National University since 2017. We aim to contribute to the healthy growth of the blockchain industry through technological development and value-based research.

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📍Weekly things we do📍



We hold two sessions every Saturday. The first session, prepared by our members, involves academic discussions about blockchain. In the second session, we invite guest speakers to present on different topics each time. On average, about 30 members participate in each session.

Separately, we conduct team projects within the Decipher and share the results through project presentations at the end of each semester. The topics of the projects vary, ranging from developing the blockchain ecosystem to conducting academic research.

🩶 DE-FERENCE: Decipher Annual Conference 🩶

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Decipher proudly hosts the annual conference called ‘DE-FERENCE’, which is combination of Decipher and Conference, at the beginning of each year where we showcase our year's research and development achievements. DE-FERENCE attracts an average of 200 participants, including leading scholars, industry experts, and enthusiasts. Each year, around six sponsor teams join us, contributing to the vibrant atmosphere of the conference. Held in a grand hall, the event is also live-streamed on YouTube to reach a wider audience.

🏅 Milestones we’ve gone through 🏅




